Secția didactică Nr.1
Bezman Veronica
Șef secția didactică Nr. 1
Profesoară de limba engleză, grad didactic DOI
Adresa: mun. Cahul, str. Alexei Mateevici 103/1
Activity directions of the didactic section:
• Organizational activities.
• Organizing the educational process and monitoring the improvement of the Educational
Planification and the Curricula for disciplines.
• Development of educational, professional and social partnership-relations, based on the
implementation of national programs and strategies in the field of medicine and education.
• Formation of students' personality by developing communicative competences, behavioral culture
and professional skills in extradidactic and extracurricular activities.
• Implementation of management system’s quality at the didactic section.
• Activities of evaluation and internal control.
The objectives of the didactic section:
• Diversification of the educational offer by introducing the optional and free choice disciplines in
order to form the individual path of professional development;
• Implementation of the Program for the development of medical and pharmaceutical education in the
Republic of Moldova for the years 2011-2020 and the reforms of the educational system in training of
vocational medical specialists;
• Implementation of the National Strategy for the development of technical vocational education for
the years 2013-2020 within the activity of the sections;
• Capitalizing on modern information technologies in the managerial and evaluation process within
the didactic sections;
• Establishing a qualitative educational partnership with all the parts of the instructional-educational
• The development of behavioral culture and the communicative competences of the students in order
to form an open, creative personality, with a spirit of objectivity and tolerance;
• Promoting the institutional traditions and the positive image of P.I. College of Medicine Cahul in the
community, etc;
The section ensures the preparation of the medical specialists according to the annual activity
plan, which includes the following compartments:
- the specific activity objectives of the section;
- organizing and monitoring the educational process;
- improvement of the educational process;
- educational activities;
- organization of the clinical and specialized clinical internships;
- activities with parents.
Within the section are organized meetings with teachers, administrative section, group leader,
students and parents.